Day 6: Nimpkish to Port Hardy

Distance: 72 km

Elevation: 600 m

Date: August 7, 2022

After getting up and making breakfast I had another chat with Tarra and Mike. I invited them to stay with us when they were to do their planned cycling tour through Europe in a couple of years. It would be nice to return the favor of hospitality. 

After that I said farewell to Lake Nimpkish and headed uphill to meet the coastal highway again.

After a couple of kilometers I met Eleonor from Sasketchuan, Canada. She was the first cyclist I had seen in three days. I pulled over and we had a good „cyclist to cyclist“ chat. She was 62 years and currently in her last week of a six week trip all around Victoria Island and some routes on the mainland. She had arrived yesterday with the ferry from Prince Rupert. In other words we were sharing the same route but with opposite direction.

After 20 min or so we said farewell and moved on with our respective tours.

The remainder of the tour was relatively straight forward. At Port McNeil I found a gas station (aka biker paradise). They had food, cold drinks and even an ice pavilion where I got myself three balls. That’s a lot in Germany but here what I got was humongous.

After arriving at the campsite I met Sarah, a physiotherapist from Victoria who was up here for hiking. She was doing this on her own and had a satellite device as a safety net. She mentioned that Vancouver Island had the highest population of cougars in North America. Good to know! She was originally from the UK and had moved here with her husband who was Canadian.

Later I met Lydia from Germany. She travelled alone in her wheelchair and we found out that we would both be on the ferry to Prince Rupert tomorrow. Next to her place was a German couple, Maria and Peter, who invited me to have a beer with them.

At half past nine I called it a day since I knew that the night would become a short one.

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